The decision not to make a decision at yesterday's meeting of the PCT was revealed by chief executive Mike Ridley on their official website last Friday.

Under the heading "Primary Care Trust Reacts to Evesham Responses", Mr Ridley wrote: "It was said ... that we would listen carefully to the views of staff and the public and this we are doing.

"We have used the considerable amount of information provided to us and the many experiences which have been written about by current and former patients and staff, to suggest that wider consideration should now be given to the information available to the PCT; this proposals is included in the report for the Board meeting on August 3.

"I am sure the Board will be very encouraged to see the large number of new suggestions for making changes and saving money.

"The Matron and her staff from Evesham Community Hospital have, themselves, identified 13 different possibilities, and staff across the PCT have identified a further 48 options. All of these are receiving serious consideration at the present time and it is hoped that more possible ways to make better use of the money will be received.

"We are now proposing to closely involve staff and members of the local community in order to have a wider consideration of the different ways forward.

"These will then be considered by the PCT when it meets in October. 2005. Until the October meeting of the board there will be no change."

Mr Ridley concluded: "In many of the responses to correspondence on Evesham Community Hospital we have confirmed that the intention of the PCT is still to provide a new modern hospital facility in Evesham."