WHEN will the film start. If the repairs don't start soon, it will be too late.

As the cinema as we knew it, will soon be over. As the film projectors will no longer be used, as we will be in the DVD age.

The film companies in Hollywood are trying two new DVD systems out. It will be like VHS and Betamax. The best one will be used.

The day of the cinema as I knew it, will be gone for ever. So film in 5 to 20 years, will be no more.

I must say that I had many years at the Regal and the Clifton, it was a wonderful life. I'm now retired, but still miss the buzz, when putting a film on for the first time.

Everything is changing so fast now, it's a job to keep up with it.

Years ago the same people came each week sometimes twice. These people are no longer with us.

The people and children have a lot more things to do today, that's life I guess.

BRIAN (BUSTER) HOUGHTON, Chief film technician retired, Middle Lane, Cropthorne.