I HAVE read with interest an item in the Advertiser indicating that the local coouncil tax is to be increased by 4.99 per cent.

I also read that the 'wages' of the district councillors are to be increased by an extremely generous £500 minimum, with a larger increase for the top councillors.

The council consistently gives the impression that the district is cash strapped. If this is the case, why this increase to councillors and, also, what percentage of the council tax increase is reflected in this increased payment?

The proposed 'wage' increase is considerably above the rate of inflation. Why, in any case, are these increases being made when, in actual fact, the costs should be met by the payment of legitimate expenses only? I am a pensioner on a fixed income and this year's pension increase is nowhere near the 17.5 per cent extra that the councillors are being paid.

How can I afford these high increases to my council tax?

The councillors are also, I understand, considering charging a fee in the region of £30 to more than cover the cost of issuing the car park concessionary passes. Surely you should be looking nearer to home in the first place with a view to charging staff and visitors a parking fee for using the council offices car park?

This would be in line with local authority units, ie, NHS hospitals, and be much fairer to all.

R E Wormington,

Stourbridge Road,
