GUEST for the meeting was Brian Eland of the Acorns Childrens Hospice who was presented with a cheque for £55.

He told members it was particularly welcome due to a fall in their funds. He said the public had given generously to requests for money to help disaster areas in overseas countries which had meant less money for their own charity.

Members were informed of future events including the annual dinner on March 27 at the Four Winds, Hagley. Members were also told of a number of invitations being extended to them from various branches around the Bromsgrove area.

Volunteers were requested to help at the Three Counties Show. A recent knitathon had raised £86 to date for children's charities and a decision would be made as to who would receive the completed blanket. Contents of the charity jar were to be donated to the Blue Cross Animal Adoption Centre in Wildmoor.

Speaker for the evening was Mrs Sonia Williams whose talk was entitled 'Tin Roof Teaching in Africa and other items', which was was illustrated with some very interesting souvenirs she had collected.

Competition winners were Maureen Gandley and Beryl Mercer.