PRESIDENT Sheila Girvan welcomed members to the monthly meeting and asked them to observe a minute's silence in memory of Pat Ison, a founder member, and Rotarian Malcolm Haigh, husband of club secretary Norma, who both died recently.

After business, voting took place for officers for 2006-2007.

The following were elected: President - Pam Bailey, vice-President - Pat Grier, honorary secretary - Norma Haigh, honorary treasurer - Rosemary Slaughter, club correspondent -Caroline James, speaker's secretary - Margaret Hood, fellowship secretary - Judith Draycott and liaison officer, Vicky Taylor.

The evening ended with a bring-and-buy sale.

Members and friends enjoyed a musical evening organised by overseas officers at Alcester Town Hall recently.

They were entertained by a pianist and singers from Bromsgrove Operatic Society.

More than £800 was raised for the charity Water Aid.