A BUYER for the former British Sugar beet site in Kidderminster is

due to announced, according to a leading Worcestershire county councillor.

The bidder cannot be revealed at this stage because of sensitive contractual negotiations. Councillor Alwyn Davies responsible for economy, however, told colleagues at a recent meeting that the preferred bidder for the land would be announced in the next few months.

He was answering a question posed by county councillor Paul Mills, responsible for St Mary's in Kidderminster, who asked for further information about the site.

Mr Davies said: "British Sugar has told us they expect to announce their preferred bid early in 2006 and we'd expect that once the formalities are completed, this bidder would come to us, the local authorities, to discuss the future of the site further."

The former sugar beet site, in Stourport Road, has been earmarked for employment use by both the county council and Wyre Forest District Council. Worcestershire County Council is looking to bid for cash from the regional development agency, Advantage West Midlands, to help work on the site once its future is decided.

District council leader Stephen Clee said: "The whole area vacated by British Sugar is zoned under our local plan to encourage the diversification of industry with an emphasis on the development of the service sector and high technology industry."

Mr Mills was happy to hear that progress was being made at the former British Sugar beet site and believed it would create "meaningful employment for local residents."

He added: "This is a positive development for the Stourport Road corridor and I as the local member welcome it."