A COUPLE celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary commemorated the happy occasion by planting a Worcester Pearmain apple tree at Lower Smite Farm, Hindlip, near Worcester.

Hal and Margaret Crowther, from Bromsgrove, were among 50 people who saw 12 more trees planted at the headquarters of Worcestershire Wildlife Trust on Saturday in memory of a special person or event.

As part of the restoration of the farm, a new orchard is being planted with traditional local varieties of apple and pear trees, including Worcester Black and Pitmaston Duchess pears, Lord Hindlip, King Charles Pearmain and Pitmaston Pineapple apples.

Marketing and development manager Kate Thomas said the planting was being phased over three years and anyone could dedicate a tree in return for a donation of £100.

"There will be another planting day next year when people can take part, or we can plant a tree in the orchard on their behalf," she said. "A book recording the dedications will be kept here, at the trust's headquarters."