I WOULD like all your readers to know how hard-nosed Bromsgrove District Council is.

I recently took my mother shopping in Bromsgrove, she is nearly 80-years-old and is suffering from emphysema, asthma and arthritis making it hard for her to walk far without assistance.

Without realising it my mother's disabled car park badges had expired for which she was fined £10.

I phoned the council several times and also wrote to them explaining that if she was dishonest she could have put the badges the other way up showing her photograph instead of the expiry date and that I doubted if the traffic warden would have known any difference, which proves she did not realise that her badges had expired.

I thought all councils had a policy of 'Help The Aged.' You would have thought that due to her age alone they could have at least considered their judgement with some common sense and compassion.

I have paid the £10 fine myself rather than my mother as I feel so strongly about the council's no consideration policy.

I urge all old age people who have not checked their badges recently to make sure that they are not out of date as Bromsgrove District Council does not believe in 'Helping The Aged.'

Mrs AN Moule, Kidderminster