LIVESTOCK farmers in Worcestershire and Here-fordshire are being urged to make their feelings known to a Government consultation about bovine TB before it is too late.

The National Farmers' Union wants farmers to say whether or not there should be a wildlife cull to stem the spread of the disease.

Regional livestock board chairman, David Morgan said that responses from individual farmers were vital in the bid to persuade government of the need to proactively tackle the spread of bovine TB.

He said: "The Independent Scientific Group has said that a small scale cull could do more harm than good, but does seem to acknowledge that a properly organised cull over a substantial area should be effective.

"There needs to be a mass letter-writing campaign and a blizzard of e-mail messages sent to Defra on the key question of principle in the document: should there be a wildlife cull?

"Farmers can provide evidence based on their own experience, to show why particular methods will work, that would be terrific."

The deadline for submissions to the Defra consultation is Friday, March 10.

Farmers can respond by e-mailing bTB.consultation@ or writing to Bovine TB and Badgers Consultation, Defra, 1a Page Street, London SW1 4PQ.