MALVERN could be the first place in the UK to trial a town centre regeneration scheme that originated in America.

The Mainstreet scheme would see the setting up of a local task force with the aim of boosting economy and tourism, while maintaining the town's uniqueness.

Roger Sutton, of Malvern Civic Society, said: "It's about improving Malvern and increasing the number of visitors that come.

"The big benefit of Malvern participating is that we would get a lot of publicity."

The project, which operates in America as Mainstreet US, revitalises older, traditional business districts through community-driven partnerships.

It aims to encourage economic development within the context of historic conservation.

Robin Elt, chairman of the Traders' Association, said: "It should provide Malvern with the vehicle to continue regeneration in all the parts of the town.

"It means that we'll have a body that's more pro-active for local businesses, which doesn't have a political slant."

The scheme advocates a return to community self-reliance, local empowerment and the rebuilding of traditional commercial areas based on their unique assets.

A town co-ordinator would oversee a commercial programme developed by traders, landlords and local authori- ties.

The partnership would get money from local businesses, sponsors and through fundraising and grants. It could also take on some control of town assets.

Advantage West Midlands has indicated that it may be willing to finance the first stages of the pilot study.

Discussions have taken place between the Civic Trust and the independent thinktank the New Economics Foundation, who are both are interested in the project.

Representatives of the Civic Trust are being invited to discuss the scheme at the next meeting to the town centre partnership in April.