I read with interest the article in last week's Advertiser regarding the bin


I have also experienced similar service or rather dis-service and have decided to write to the local council to make an official complaint.

The reason for this is the lack of any standards or maintenance that we

receive or rather don't receive on the Oakalls estate. This includes bin collection which leaves pavements and roads in a mess, but also other occurrences, such as never seeing a road sweeper about the area, green areas containing rubbish which has not been removed for months, a pile of Tarmac left lying as an eyesore since 2005, loose bricks causing a hazard at the top roundabout which remain unfixed, an abandoned car which took months to be removed after informing the police and council on a number of occasions, the original housing developers signs not being removed and those which have been are simply dumped on the grass verge and the road markings are in need of renewing and look tired and dated....and this list is

certainly not exhaustive.

The people do not want this great estate to become shoddy and undesirable and something needs to be done to address this deterioration.

After all, what are we paying the high council tax rates for if it isn't to keep our residential area in good condition?

David Bramston, The Oakalls