WITH reference to the item about the Forge Mill pond full of dead fish, attracting flies, swarms of seagulls etc. (Advertiser, February 8).

I live by the Mill Pond - the Pound, we call it.

A large number of roach were taken out at the beginning of January and a week ago the old carp (11 I think it was) lay floating and we all felt sad, we who used to feed them with bread.

But what is this screaming and shouting? Flies? There are no flies.

This is February and had there been flies I would have noticed.

Dreadful invasions of seagulls - scavengers - cleaning the place and removing the bodies?

Thank God for the seagulls, who have now mostly gone.

Pond full of dead fish - oh really?

I suppose this is an attack upon the council. Well, I find myself in sympathy with them.

If someone wants to complain about something, then let's have something that sounds like sense.


Meadowhill Road
