LAST week, we saw the return of Labour's very own local spin doctor, Robin King, who has picked up his pen again to defend his political masters (Letters, February 15).

How strange Mr King feels recriminations for the AIR Festival should now be shared by all parties.

I daresay, had the price tag not been near £700,000 there would be no care to share.

Success would only be enjoyed by the Labour group as it was a manifesto promise and they delivered it.

I would point out to Mr King that although opposition members did support this project, it was not with the intention of providing a blank cheque, leaving the already overburdened council taxpayers of Redditch to carry the loss if things went pear shaped

Unfortunately, we will be counting the cost of this event for many years as future budgets will show if there is a continued Labour administration.

I await Labour's next manifesto promises with interest but would urge caution as their promises may come with a sting in the tail.


Redditch Town Hall