SIR - Never surrender ! It's great to see the fighting spirit of the grey army of elderly tenants of Worcester Community Housing on the front line battling plans to replace resident wardens with new teams.

Good for them. It's refreshing to see some concerted protest. And they are surely correct. It seems crazy to remove resident wardens. Surely there was a good reason why wardens were introduced in the first place - and none of the rhetoric that WCH employed about the change will bring better services, or gives any detail that convinces those indignant and worried tenants.

It is surely safer to have them on site, and it makes the residents feel more secure. Clearly, someone has sat with a calculator and seen the possibility of savings. I am sure the residents really understand what works for them and they realise a mobile team is simply not enough.

The city's largest landlord is gradually showing its true colours. Undermining the sense of security of the elderly residents of sheltered housing is just not on. So, at least these 40 pensioners are making a stand - and I say good luck to them. They deserve better.

