I very much welcome your views on Worcestershire County Council's appointment of a head of community leadership, and also your comments on some of the politically-correct gibberish offered in support of it.

You are right, residents don't want hot air from their council. They want good value for their Council Tax, in the form of good services.

Two of the reasons for rising Council Tax are the non-stop flow of new initiatives from the Government and the feebleness of council administrations in accepting them without protest. This appointment is just one example.

Unfortunately, the cabinet system (also imposed by central government) makes it much too easy for the party in power in the council to force this kind of thing through, ignoring the concerns of back-bench councillors - though why Worcestershire's present Tory administration should be so subservient to a Labour government is beyond my understanding.

There are plenty of councillors, of all parties, who are seriously concerned at this way of spending residents' money. They need your support in making themselves heard. If the people of this county really want more "community leadership", the councillors they elected are the people to provide it.

Jeremy Webb, county councillor, Malvern Trinity Division.