I read with utter amazement, but no real surprise, that Worcestershire County Council is to make an appointment of head of community leadership, carrying a salary of £70,000 at a time when a financial black hole of £3.5 million is forecast. The council is taking the 'P' out of the ratepayers surely.

This post, with pension benefits and other on-costs, will be more like £100k on cost to the council, so the black hole is now £3.6 million.

The job is to manage a massive team though, six people, yes six. That really demands a big salary doesn't it!

I have nothing whatsoever against the incumbent Mr Adams, but absolute disgust for how councils spend our hard- earned cash in ways such as this. Their job is to save us money isn't it? Or have they forgotten. Ready for another rate increase Worcestershire people? You bet you're going to get it. Someone has to pay and it's going to be you, yet again.

Barry Watson, Ledbury.