MALVERN RFC are holding an ex-players lunch on April 8, prior to the club's final home league match of the season.

Organiser Bill Clee says he has almost 200 names to approach but for many of them, he has no contact details.

He said: "I would like to hear from any ex-Malvern RFC players who have not yet been contacted, if they could give me a call on 07812 990090."

The diners will meet around noon for a 12.30pm sit-down. The cost is £15.

Mr Clee said: "We will hopefully hold this on an annual basis, so if someone can't make it this year but may want to attend future events, if they call me with their details I will be able to contact them direct."

Malvern are due to play Hinckley at Spring Lane on April 8 with their final Midlands Two West game away at Stoke on April 20.