SIR A multi-storey car park for the Royal Worcestershire Hospital, which could supplement the existing utterly inadequate parking facilities, would indeed be most welcome.

However, it would appear that the new facility may replace the Aconbury Unit which, apparently, has become a "dumping ground" for the elderly. If that is so, where is a new "dumping ground" going to be found for these unfortunate elderly folk, often indignantly described as "bed-blockers"?

Or, perhaps the people currently at Aconbury are to be "cared for in the community" like those from the psychiatric units that were all destroyed by the awful Thatcher administration. Actually, it does appear to me that the Home Care Service, like the NHS, is stretched to the limit as it is.

Increased longevity is a fact of life and should be regarded as a great victory for science, the medical profession and the human race. Yet there are those who almost appear to consider such longevity to be a retrograde occurrence. What an appalling attitude.

The fact is that politicians of all parties should, if necessary, become reconciled to increasing taxation, particularly that on the very rich, in order to pay for increased necessary services. Furthermore, the national media should be constructive and responsible and condition people's attitudes to the need for increased taxation.

