PLEASE could you inform readers of a problem with the new wheelie bins we have recently received in Hollywood and Wythall.

We keep our wheelie bins in the rear garden and I normally put them outside the night before the refuse collection.

On the evening of Monday, January 16, I put my wheelie bin out as normal at about 6.30pm.

At about 8pm, somebody used the wheelie bin to climb over our side gate and garage and went round the back of our house and came in through an unlocked door and stole some items (which we did not notice until the following day).

My family and myself were all in at the time.

Readers need to be aware of this problem as the new wheelie bins are quite tall and are ideal for climbing over gates and onto flat roofs.

Name and address supplied

ARE Wythall residents aware that Bromsgrove Council is planning to issue a third wheelie bin for recycling (subject to Government funding)?

No doubt the council will tell us again there will be no changes without prior consultation with householders. Remember the last time it said that - accept the two wheelie bins or get rid of your own rubbish.


Rowan Close
