Your headline on January 19 issue "Health Service 2006" was very thought-provoking.

I am pleased that young Adam Tandy recovered from his breathing difficulties. I was interested in reading of his parents' instructions to take him to Worcester, Redditch or Kidderminster hospital. I have been given (or heard of) options like Gloucester, Hereford, Birmingham or Oxford to treat patients. I was very relieved by Evesham Hospital's! recent reprieve, but at the moment I cannot think of any of my family or friends who have been treated there. I do know people who had to be taken further a field.

Another point occurs to me. How are people to travel, at a moment's notice, to Worcester or Kidderminster hospital if they have no car? We are constantly advised to use our cars less and less but what public transport is available to take someone with breathing difficulties to Worcester? Are we supposed to buy a car and only use it on the off chance someone we know falls ill and needs to go to hospital?

Jim Smith, Wickhamford, Evesham.