A Worcestershire MP has tabled a parliamentary question to establish whether Evesham and Vale patients are suffering from poor care at Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

Sir Michael Spicer, MP for West Worcestershire, asked Secretary of State for Health Patricia Hewitt: "if she will investigate the series of complaints made against the Worcestershire Royal Hospital of poor care in the hospital and make a statement."

Mr Spicer reacted after written complaints about the PFI-financed £95m hospital from constituents and stories in the media.

Mr Spicer said complaints had been received about patients not being fed and cleaned properly and about dirty wards.

"I want to see if a pattern is emerging," said Mr Spicer. "I have had letters of apology from the hospital saying they are one-off occurrences.

"This is a new hospital which has cost the taxpayer very large sums of money. It did not get off to a good start either financially or managerially. It would be a matter of deep concern if it were now found to be the case that the general level of care was deficient."

Richard Haynes, Head of Communications for Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, responded: "We are in regular correspondence with Sir Michael and always try to answer any questions he has as fully and promptly as we can, so were surprised to hear that he felt it necessary to issue this statement to the media.

"We receive many compliments from patients and visitors about the care we provide.

"The number of people who complain about their treatment, either directly or via their MPs, represent a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of patients that we provide care for each year.

"We do take any complaints very seriously. We fully investigate every formal complaint we receive and we give a full written response, with an apology if appropriate.

"We would always urge anyone who has any concerns about the treatment they or their relatives are receiving to raise those concerns immediately with the ward matron or our PALs (Patient Advice and Liaison) Officers so that they can be dealt with immediately."