I WOULD like to protest against the possibility of Forge Mill Museum being closed.

I believe this is the only mill of its type left in the world and to close it would be not only an injustice to the history and people of Redditch but would deny the many visitors, some of whom travel from across the world, the chance to witness a rare monument demonstrating the heritage of needle production for which this area is so undoubtedly famous.

If there is any doubt regarding the gravity of the decision, one should bear in mind the council will not be taking this decision on behalf of the borough just to save money but will have to decide whether to keep the museum open for the nation.

One must remember the museum was opened by the Queen as the "National Needle Museum" and not just as a local folly.

I am deeply interested in history and have brought up my son, Joseph, likewise. Without the lessons of yesterday we cannot learn for tomorrow and this museum and abbey are not only rare treasures but important educational facilities.

I implore our councillors to rethink this decision and preserve the museum for the sake of the nation.


Merevale Close
