HAVING been vilified by the leader of the council and criticised by some readers I would like to take the opportunity to clarify what I said about the refuse and recycling service in my original letter (January 4).

I must stress that I am not the author of the policy. I am simply informing the public what the council is planning, in my capacity as chairman of the scrutiny group.

Please don't shoot the messenger!

Cllr Roger Hollingworth, the leader of Bromsgrove District Council, apparently responded to what I had stated without first seeing what I had written and careful reading of his riposte in your newspaper clearly shows that the new Street Scene strategy has been endorsed by the executive cabinet but it failed to inform the public what was in it!

The document has been published and can be viewed on the council's website or obtained from the customer service centre under the Freedom of Information Act.

It is a comprehensive vision for environmental services and the full council held on January 10 approved expenditure to commence its phased implementation with effect from April 1. It will require ongoing scrutiny to ensure that it is acceptable to our customers.

One element of the strategy refers to the ambition to collect recyclables using a third wheeled bin into which all dry materials will be placed without the need for segregation.

I carefully avoided saying that households would receive a third wheeled bin in April by stating that this was the ultimate objective. (The strategy indicates this may happen at the end of 2006 if the Government funds it).

For the first time, we now know the cost of the refuse and recycling service. The old system using black sacks cost less than £30 per household per annum. The new system costs just under £60 per household.

If a co-mingled recyclable collection using a third bin is introduced this will reduce the cost by five per cent.

It now seems that the leader of the council is back-tracking on the policy, possibly because he knows it will not be universally acceptable or affordable and

I think your readers' views are an essential part of the hitherto invisible consultation exercise that elected members have been told was taking place at the end of last year.

I am always willing to give residents the correct information if they care to contact me.

Cllr Stephen Peters

Hollywood & Majors Green ward

Chairman - Refuse & Recycling Scrutiny