Children from a rural school in Worcestershire have been learning about life in a poor African village.

Pupils at Madresfield Early Years Centre, Hayswood Farm, Madresfield, heard how people from the small village of Masasi, in South Tanzania, live.

Before Christmas, children at the independent school raised £550 for the village by selling refreshments and programmes to their parents at the Nativity play.

The money was handed over to Mick and Val Levick, regular visitors to the African village, at a school assembly.

Headteacher Alice Bennett said the children listened carefully to the stories Mr and Mrs Levick brought back with them.

She said: "We take so much for granted. The children are sometimes shocked but then they understand why we help the village. They see the injustice straight away."

They also heard about the junior school in Masasi where each child is given a bag of grain to feed their family and encourage them to continue with their education.

Mrs Bennett said: "We explained to the children we can't give them the grain ourselves but that any money we raise will make such a difference."

Mr and Mrs Levick, who dressed in traditional clothes for the presentation, showed the children photos from their last trip and wooden ornaments the people of the village had carved.