SIR - Paul Denham is wasting his time appealing on behalf of the homeless - it's no longer a fashionable cause now that London politicians and media types believe we need more immigration to solve the nanny shortage or the need for Polish plumbers and dentists. And what will all those charming Albanian pimps do without a steady stream of sex slaves from eastern Europe? They all have to live somewhere.

Paul, you are just being selfish and only think about the British homeless when New Labour the BBC and the churches have discovered a new moral playground to mince on about - the Third World.

What could be more appealing than homeless starving people and Aids victims and orphans? But shush Paul - because it might dawn on our terminally smug betters that rescuing several billion homeless victims of world overpopulation might just prove a little too much for our present housing stock to cope with. That would be realistic - and in Blair's no-brain Britain we don't do "realism". If we hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil we shall all go to heaven - isn't that right, Bishop Peter Selby?

