A WORCESTERSHIRE school has come out with flying colours after the latest report by inspectors.

Tenbury High School recorded the best possible score, being placed in the 'outstanding' cat-egory by the Office For Standards In Education (Ofsted).

The report began: "The school describes itself as being ambitious vibrant and successful and the inspection evidence supports

this view.

"The school modestly judges its overall effectiveness to be good, while inspectors judge it outstanding. It is strong in all areas,

particularly in the quality of teaching and the support it provides for pupils".

Headteacher Stuart Cooke, whom the report described as excellent, said: "We are delighted with the outcome of the inspection, which is something of which our whole community should feel very proud.

"Success of this kind can only come from highly effective contributions to the work of the school from everyone involved, including pupils, parents, staff, governors and the local authority."

The school, a comprehensive which has a higher than average proportion of pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities, was particularly praised for the standard of teaching and care of pupils.

The report said: "In most lessons seen during the inspection, pupils made excellent progress in response to high quality teaching, with work matched very well to the needs of all pupils.

"Planning is excellent. Teachers set high expectations and sustain pupils' interest with varied tasks."

The inspectors praised pastoral care at the school

They said: "The school places a high value on the progress and welfare of all its pupils.

"Pupils do not see bullying as a problem because they know that, if it occurs, it will be tackled promptly and effectively by the school.