REFERENCE the letter from Cllr Stephen Peters (January 4) concerning Bromsgrove's refuse and recycling scheme.

Despite the dismal and chaotic start, I fully support the principal and action taken so far.

At considerable inconvienence I have been able to accommodate the two wheelie bins in my original dustbin area and the two boxes in the verandah. However, I note that Cllr Peters has quietly slipped into his letter that we can expect another bin from April onwards!

I am quite unable, and certainly unwilling, to even consider a third bin. What consultation has there been with members of the public, and if so,what has been their reaction? And how is the proposed system supposed to work?

Paper and bottles etc are segregated by the householder. How will segregation happen in the extra wheelie bin? There seem to be many questions arising.

Finally, it would be interesting to see the financial statistics on kerbside against depot segregation, time and labourwise. How far is the council committed? Answers please Cllr Peters.

AH English

Kidderminster Road
