I AM writing to highlight the devastating effect the proposed cuts by Redditch Council would have on the arts and culture in Redditch.

These include the cutting of a crucial post - the Arts Development Officer.

Unlike the proposal to close Forge Mill Museum and the countryside centre, the role of this department is less visible to the public yet no less important.

The current incumbent, Jonathan Cochrane, has achieved far more than other arts officers in the past and has made a real difference to the cultural scene in Redditch.

He has been very successful in getting external funding for many arts projects, which more than outweigh the cost of his post.

Looking ahead to the opening of the refurbished Palace Theatre, it is even more important to have an officer in place to ensure this major investment is effectively exploited.

The proposal to close the museum is cultural vandalism on a national as well as a local scale. Redditch's unique heritage will be lost, never to be recovered.

Similarly, with the closure of countryside centre, Redditch's natural history is at threat.

The combination of cuts to these three vital areas is a lethal cocktail for the arts and culture in Redditch, wiping out essential amenities that make the town a good place to live, work and visit, with the consequential impact on the local economy and the health and safety of the community.

If it goes ahead, this barbaric act will long remain in the memories of Redditch voters.



Redditch Arts Council