NEW visitors are welcomed to a coffee morning which offers support and friendship to anyone with children who have special needs or disabilities.

The Family Support Group, run in conjunction with SureStart, meets fortnightly - now at two venues in the town to make it easier for people to access meetings.

It offers a wealth of advice, information and support to parents, carers, extended family members, childminders and adoptive/foster parents of any child with a disability or any form of special need.

The group will meet on February 9, March 9 and April 13 at Mill Stream Surgery, Cherry Tree Walk, Batchley, opposite Batchley First School, from 10am-noon. It also meets at the Ecumenical Centre, Room 3, Emmanuel Church, next to the Kingfisher Centre on January 23, February 27, March 27 and April 24, also from 10am-noon.

Children are welcome to the coffee mornings but are the responsibility of the adults who bring them.

For advice or more details, call Debbie on 460575 or 07737 794245 or Barbara on 592108 on 07817 378581.