Can I say thank you very much for the recent articles concerning my father and his experiences at the local NHS hospital. With your latest article in January 6 edition concerning the wife of an ex-mayor, the family feel vindicated to some extent. But the hospital 'close the files' when they feel like it. They seem to be 'Teflon-coated' to any criticism or investigation.

I don't hold out much hope with regards to my father. As yet they have not acknowledged my initial complaint (my sister's e-mails were sent nearly three weeks ago), but yesterday Sir Michael Spicer's assistant telephoned me to ask my father's permission for the MP to investigate on my father's behalf.

My father is getting better at home and I have to add that your articles have been a real fillip to him and the family. The excellent letter by Miss Pickford (Your Letters, January 6) we feel is only the tip of the iceberg, we hope more will come forward.

At the end of the day, my family want a hospital that cares for all, no matter their age or 'usefulability' to society, it seems the powers that be at the hospital are all fiddling while patient care deteriorates to a Third World level and relatives are left to feed, wash and care for their loved ones. Admission of guilt would assuage our anger and frustration and hopefully would lead to an improvement of care, especially for the old and vulnerable in our community. Once again, many, many thanks.

DUNCAN J G McARTHUR, Markland Hill, Bolton, Lancs.