SIR - I see Paul Denham (Worcester News, December 31) is seeking to capture the moral high ground on the back of those who are unfortunately homeless at present. Of course, as he knows, there are strong and substantial reasons why the Nexus application was opposed by the regional authority, local business and why the city's planning officers recommended refusal to the planning committee.

So let's forget the crocodile tears and put the blame for the lack of social rented housing nationally where it truly belongs.

The true tragedy and scandal of the failed Nexus application lies entirely with the lack of adequate Government funding of the Housing Corporation which in turn funds the many housing associations across the nation. What a nonsense it is that the only way a major provider of social housing can produce 36 new properties for rent is by developing 100 new houses and taking the profit from selling 64 of them into full or shared private ownership.

Like Paul, I salute this paper for their efforts on behalf of Maggs, but as far as the Government is concerned I think their efforts have been too little, too late as usual. Frankly, if Paul and Bob want to win the high ground I suggest they join the rest of us in pressing their Government to give proper and adequate funding for social, rented housing.



Bedwardine Ward.