SIR - Your front page "We're Coming Back with Guns" read like the lines of a spaghetti Western script. It had me on the edge of my seat!

But it barely reads like the methodical reality of how hunt monitors operate out in the winter countryside. The monitors care about animal welfare and act unpaid in difficult physical conditions in which they face hostility . Both sides in the hunting issue have been engaged in spin and political theatre, always trying to outfox one another in the fight for sympathetic opinion. The item shows again how the hunting issue is always misrepresented by the pro-hunters. They claim the "antis " are town-dwelling people who are ignorant of country life are seeping with hatred. Its the same old story. But Octavia Pollock from the Clifton hunt should relax! I doubt that the Worcestershire countryside will be resonating with the ricocheting bullets of the anti hunt posse.

No self-respecting "anti" would make the kind of threats claimed, and no "anti" would try to disrupt a trail hunt. It would be a total own goal. The anti-hunt movement, particularly, the League Against Cruel Sports, promotes trail hunting.

