ALL 18 in-patient beds could be axed at a much-needed mental health unit in Bromsgrove in a cash cutting move.

As part of a review on mental health provision Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust is looking at a series of options to make £1.7m in savings, including beds at Brook Haven, in the grounds of the Princess of Wales Community Hospital.

The formal consultation period on the move finishes next Monday.

A worried former member of staff at Brook Haven said: "I am concerned people with mental health problems, the most vulnerable in the community, could be forced to go elsewhere in the county. These are the people who should be nearest to their homes, not just put where there is a space.

"Brook Haven is very well used, but patients have not been consulted on any of these options or of what could be happening."

The former worker said staff at the site had been told there would be no redundancies and would be offered another job, but said many there couldn't drive so could not take up another position out of Bromsgrove.

The ex-worker also criticised Bromsgrove District Council for not voicing its concerns. Redditch Borough Council recently agreed a notice of motion stating its commitment to defend adult mental health services in Redditch.

When the Advertiser/Messenger told council leader Roger Hollingworth (Con-Alvechurch) he said he would put a motion on last night's full council meeting agenda to support Brook Haven.

A statement from the mental health trust said it had implemented a number of new national priorities including a service which offered treatment at home as an alternative to hospital admission.

It said: "The implications of developing intensive community support will mean there will be less pressure on hospital beds and in time there will be a reduction in the numbers of beds across the county.

"The closure of 18 mental health beds is under discussion but no firm proposals have been made around that figure."

The trust said it had been suggested the loss should be divided equally between Bromsgrove, Redditch and Kidderminster but ongoing development of the proposals has suggested additional work needs to be done to ensure the right type of care is available at the right place at the right time.

The statement added that Brook Haven would not close and staff would not be placed at risk.