SIR - I would like to thank your readers for the part they played in ensuring an unprecedented level of campaigning on global poverty in 2005. The political decisions made during the year would not have happened without the passionate commitment of many of your readers along with campaigners all over the world.

Important progress was made through the G8 meeting of the world's richest countries in securing promises of extra financial resources for developing countries in the form of more aid and proposed debt cancellation for some poor countries. If these promises are delivered, millions of lives that would have been lost could now be saved.

This special year is coming to an end but the campaign has inspired a generation which believes it is possible to make poverty history. Their leaders have the power and ability to make it happen. In 2006, the challenge will be different. The spotlight will not be on the UK in the way it has been in 2005, but the British Government must play an important role in sustaining international pressure.


Make Poverty History.