TRIBUTES to popular teacher JJ Smith have been arriving at Malvern Wells CE Primary.

Flowers from parents and pupils accompanied by notes and poems from the children are on display outside the school.

Pupils have also being writing and drawing their happy memories of Mr Smith for a book to give to his parents.

Headteacher Kevin Wright said: "As pupils, staff, governors and parents we have all lost a special friend. A unique blend of talent, generosity and kindness that will always be treasured and can never be replaced."

Mr Smith loved amateur dramatics and had appeared in several local productions.

A member of Malvern Theatre Players, he was described as "highly regarded as an actor and friend" by those who worked with him.

Chris Bassett, of MTP, said:

"JJ's inspirational example to young people will be remembered and built upon," he said.

Mr Smith was also a member of the Colwall Players.

Chairman Anna Byers said: "He was the gentlest, most good-natured lad that one could ever wish to meet."

Known to some as the Smartie King, he was never without a tube, not for himself but to share with others. He kept in touch with family and friends around the country by compiling a CD of music accompanied by comments, jokes and quotes.