IT is good to know that Dr Stephen Wright (Your Letters, November 18) is

staying awake and is aware of the threat to our liberties. He will therefore know that our counties, and their councils, will eventually be replaced by regional assemblies, as the EC map issued from Brussels makes clear.

In Malvern you will fall under the West Midlands Regional Assembly, and thus your schools will in time be controlled, not by the new Children's Service in Worcester, but by a Children & Young People Member of the WMRA. Your police, fire and ambulance services will be similarly controlled.

You will not in time be paying your council tax, as there will not be a council, so you will be paying a regional domestic tax, at a level doubtless set outside this country. In time, this country will be controlled by the Regional Assemblies, which will report to Brussels. But then I do not need to tell Dr. Wright any of this, he is fully awake. Happily, a similar loss of sleep was recently evident in both France and Holland.

Final thought. Current political party in power? - Labour. Membership in May this year? 200,000. Good to see a clear majority reflecting the views of the electorate.

John Ling, The Reddings, Old Colwall.