A VILLAGE school near Worcester is bucking the trend because its boys are outperforming girls in writing.

But Callow End CE Primary School was only labelled satisfactory by government inspectors who say its brighter pupils are not achieving enough.

The Ofsted report praised the school's strong Christian family ethos, the behaviour of the children and the positive support shown by parents.

Inspectors say standards in writing are too low, but headteacher Sue Sawle said this was relative to other attainment levels and it also disguised the fact that boys beat the national average.

Mrs Sawle said: "We set our goals really, really high. We're delighted with the report and positive about making improvements.

"In writing, boys are performing above the national average. The boys do well but we are very proactive in improving even more."

The report says: "At key stage two the school's 2005 test results were exceptionally good in reading, maths

and science

"In science, nine out of 10 pupils achieved above-average standards and seven out of 10 did so in reading and maths.

"Standards in writing are too low and below average, particularly in key stage two."

The report said better pupils were not stretched enough.

"The relatively lower-attaining pupils and pupils of average ability make satisfactory and often good progress meeting their challenging targets," the inspectors said.

"However, given their starting points and capabilities, the higher-attaining pupils are not achieving as well as they could and their targets are not sufficiently challenging."

The report went on to

state that pupils were extremely polite and their attitudes to work were excellent.

Mrs Sawle said: "It's all about the right disposition and attitudes to life and the wider world.

"We get the Christian ethos across as almost a subliminal message, leading by example, showing good humour and excellent relationships."

what callow end CE primary school does well

There is good provision for pupils' personal development and care

In maths and science, standards are at least satisfactory and often good while in reading standards are generally high and above average

The school is a welcoming community with a strong family ethos. Its distinct Christian foundation is reflected well.

Pupils are exceptionally well-behaved and have very positive attitudes

Headteacher Sue Sawle provides thoughtful and positive leadership and has high expectations

...and what it has to do now

Raise standards in writing for all pupils

Ensure all pupils' achievements are consistently good or better and increase the rate of progress for the higher-attaining pupils

Strengthen the quality

of teaching