ANYONE still searching for a Christmas present for a cat lover could find that the Cats Protection calendar is the answer.

Featuring some of the country's most photogenic feline pin-ups, there are three calendars - a "month-to-view" A4-sized version with room for daily appointments, a slimline kitten calendar with removable postcards, and new for this year, is a desktop calendar.

The calendars are available from Stourbridge and District branch shop in High Street, Lye, telephone 01384 422208.

These can be ordered by credit/debit card on 08707 708 624, they can be purchased online at or by cheque/postal order from CPL Enterprises, National Cat Centre, Chelwood Gate, Haywards Heath, Sussex RH17 7TT. There is also a Christmas catalogue of gifts for cat lovers - order a copy on 01736 335855.