ST Peter's Church in Cookley will be filled with silver and white angels for a three-day festival starting tomorrow.

The church will be decorated with 60 exhibits made by people in the village, including children from Cookley First School, Guides and Brownies, Cookley WI and Friends of St Peter's Church.

Villagers were invited to make their interpretation of an angel out of different materials and exhibits will include collages, knitting and needlework.

They will also be able to make angels from willow branches and glass.

The festival will be open from 10 am until 5pm tomorrow and Saturday and from 10am until 4pm on Sunday.

It will be followed by a Songs of Praise-style service on Sunday.

Refreshments will be available throughout for the three days of the festival.

For further information, contact Betty Caswell on 01562 850401.