A LITTLE belated, but I feel that congratulations are in order to whom ever it may concern.

Firstly, for the resurfacing of Laurels Road, Offenham, this has been in a very poor state for years and we always appeared to be getting by-passed in favour of other roads that never seemed quite as bad. However I am mystified, earlier this year, about July/August, this same road was closed for the pot-holes to be filled. Now is this a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, or is it just another means of wasting the taxpayer's money?

Further congratulations are offered to Wychavon District Council for their recommencement of the collection of glass with the waste recently. The mystery is why has it taken over two years to implement this since I first suggested it? Is this the powers that be not listening to the people that elect them?

E MARSH, Offenham.