THE mixed weather this autumn was all well and good for us but it was very confusing for hedgehogs!

Their instincts tell them to prepare for hibernation when it starts to get cold, but if it stays mild they think they have time to produce a second litter. They of course don't have time, and these little ones, that we call Autumn Orphans, inevitably struggle to survive growing up in such harsh conditions.

This year we have received many calls from people who have found small hedgehogs in difficulty that are frequently hypothermic. To survive hibernation a hedgehog has to be an absolute minimum of 450gms at this time of the year, any less and they need help. Classic signs of hypothermia in hedgehogs are staggering (as if drunk) and lying out in the daytime.

These small or hypothermic hedgehogs need to be taken indoors and placed on a well-wrapped hot water bottle in a high-sided box. An old towel or T-shirt should be placed over the animal and white meat flavour pet food offered along with a dish of water.

A call to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890 801 will provide further advice or help to locate your nearest hedgehog rehabilitation centre.

FAY VASS, Chief Executive, British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Hedgehog House, Dhustone, Ludlow.