AT our November meeting the speaker was Frank Hardy and his subject was conifers. As ex-principal of Pershore College and a Chelsea Gold Medal winner, Frank had a lot of experience and knowledge to pass on to his listeners.

One of his main personal interests is conifers and their uses in all sizes of gardens. This he demonstrated enthusiastically both in his talk, accompanied by slides, and with plants which he brought along to show us. He also made the point that although conifers have been rather out of fashion of late, there are definite signs that they are starting to make a comeback. After the usual question and answer session, the conifers were offered for sale and the meeting ended with the raffle followed by coffee and biscuits.

Our next meeting will be the Christmas social evening and will take place at 8pm on December 8 (Thursday) at the Friends Meeting House, Sandhills Road, Barnt Green. New members and visitors most welcome.