THE meeting at St Catherine's took the form of the AGM and a birthday party to celebrate a very successful first year.

The president, Maureen Timins, welcomed the members and our WIA visitors Christine Hickman-Smith and Janice Jones. Christine gave a very interesting talk with photographs on HQ in London and Denman College.

A ballot was taken to vote for the president for 2006. Maureen was voted for a second term of office. Marjorie Pickerell entertained us with songs in which we all joined lustily. She was thanked my Maureen. A birthday cake made by Sue was cut to the singing of Happy Birthday. Refreshments in the form of nibbles and drinks was taken. Thus ended a very interesting and happy first birthday and we all look forward to a successful second year, which will begin with a Christmas dinner on December 1. The first meeting of 2006 will be on January 16 at which visitors will be made very welcome.