I WISH to express both my grave concern and disgust at the proposals to downgrade services at the Alexandra Hospital.

It seems quite inconceivable to me that this option is even under consideration in a community the size the Alex serves.

A long, hard campaign was fought to bring this hospital into being in the first place and now, when the community and thus its needs has grown considerably, it is to be withdrawn, leaving a bare bones service in what would more or less amount to a glorified first aid station.

It is quite apparent that people and lives put at risk as a result of the increased distance in travelling to Worcester to obtain treatment count for little, if anything.

No, the primary and overriding concern is money.

However, even the financial arguments make no sense as I understand there is very serious doubt as to whether the proposed changes would result in savings anywhere near the required amount.

Furthermore, is it not true the financial deficit incurred in Worcester exceeds that of the Alex?

Another pertinent question arises as to the capability of such a centralised service to cope with this sudden inundation of patients.

The bureaucrats who sit at their desks with their theories, playing with columns of figures and making fine-sounding plans on paper need to bring into the equation the flesh and blood reality of people and the lives they are putting at risk.

Pray that for the welfare of all, they will reconsider.


Perryfields Close

Oakenshaw South