AN innocent looking mole led to a live-saving operation for a 22-year-old Hollywood girl who is taking a breathtaking leap to boost cancer research.

Nicola Hession had had a mole since she was a child but it had become cancerous, although it was not itchy or raised. The only sign was that it looked smudged.

She was told she had a malignant melanoma and needed surgery in July to remove the mole and surrounding tissue, leaving a six-inch scar on her shin which is now healing well.

Nicola is now back to fitness and will be celebrating with a 100ft abseil with friend Rachel Blewer from the top of Aston Villa's stand to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

She said: "I have a pale complexion and I get bored lying in the sun but the hospital said there were lots of other factors in getting cancer.''

Others are welcome to join Nicola in the Leap for Life to raise more than £20,000.

For more details, call 0121 359 5676.