RESIDENTS' concerns over road safety were shrugged off as planners agreed to the replacement of a Worcester factory with a 43-property housing estate.

Faithful Overalls has said it will be looking to relocate elsewhere in the city to avoid job losses after planners agreed the application to turn its Northwick Road plot into housing.

Councillors welcomed the design and lay-out of the estate, which is a mix of terraced, detached and semi-detached properties, and includes a bungalow and 12 affordable houses. However, there was heated debate over the proposed access to the site from Eastbank Drive.

Local residents said a junction off the small residential street was unsafe, and called for the turn-off to be from the busier Northwick Road.

John Malby, who lives in Eastbank Drive, said he was representing the views of at least 50 people when he objected to the plans at last week's meeting. "You are required to provide a safe access and, in this case, there's no textbook guide," he said. "Neither route fits planning guidelines so the guidelines go out the window and you have to make a decision on the basis of safety.

"Northwick Road is clearly the lesser of two evils."

He said Eastbank Drive was too thin to cope with the extra traffic while Northwick Road was wider and straighter, allowing better visibility at a junction.

Dozens of letters of objection were received and Claines ward councillors Liz Smith and Alex Kear, as well as Sue Askin, who sits on the planning committee, came to the meeting.

However, planning officer Vicky Bilton said road experts from Worcestershire County Council had examined the access routes and would only back the East-bank Drive option.

"They would have a strong objection to having an upgraded access of North-wich Road," she said.

"This is because of the proximity of Vine Street, a nearby pub, Union Place, Eastbank Drive and Sabrina Avenue. They have said Eastbank Drive is the optimum preference." Traffic calming measures along Eastbank Drive were discussed as a possible future step to improve road safety.

Councillor Geoff Williams said: "We have heard that the engineers wouldn't support such a solution (Northwick Road access) and that would have significant consequences.

"I think this is the best solution for parking."

The plans were passed by four votes to three, with three abstentions.