SIR Blair sensationalises Labour MPs' dissent over his proposal for 90-day detention for alleged terrorist activity as "rebellion" which the dictionary explains as "defying lawful authority" but also as "to feel or manifest repugnance".

This sensationalism again suggests he regards his "authority" as more presidential, papal or divinely monarchical than as a leader of a political party in the 21st Century. And who is cuckoo in the nest? The New Labour alien in the midst of thousands of previously loyal Labour party supporters now lost?

Blair's authority self-destructed in 2003 when he insisted on waging a repugnant war and on misleading Parliament and people as to the reasons why.

His case was made out by force for the non-manifesto proposals for university top-up fees and foundation hospitals.

It was not made out for 90-day detention despite attempts to bolster it through so-called police backing.

His credibility to make any further case was permanently undermined in 2003. Yet the route of denial persists - what does the court do when the king has gone mad? If nothing then perhaps the real Divine may intervene to encourage the cuckoo to catch the flu?

