Marjorie Whiting, adviser, attended the November annual meeting.

It was reported that the recent jumble sale raised funds for the institute, with the raffle money donated to Nightingale Nurses, Cleobury.

Margaret Griffiths reported on the autumn council meeting. Mamble won the draw to have lunch with the executive committee.

Val Evans reported on the autumn group meeting, hosted by Menith Wood, which had a 1960s musical theme.

An "indulgence day" will be held at Little Witley village hall on February 2, and there will be a musical lunch on February 7.

Members were reminded of the WI carol concert at Kidderminster Town Hall on December 2.

Lynn Bowen was elected president, then Mrs Whiting talked about the "Myths and Legends of WI".

Severnsiders Ukulele Strummers Association, from Bewdley, provided entertainment.

The Christmas dinner will be held at The Talbot, Newnham Bridge, on Monday, December 12, meet at 7pm for 7.30pm.