SIR - Many readers, especially older ones, will have heard of the National Pensioners' Convention and of its sterling efforts on behalf of our mature citizens, first under the stewardship of the great Jack Jones, and latterly with the energetic Rodney Bickerstaffe at its head.

What is perhaps less well known is that the NPC is a federation in which the largest sector is the West Midlands Group.

The West Midlands branch is a large, lively and healthy organisation, but one of the features which it lacks, I feel, is a Worcester branch. I intend to attend their meetings in 2006, but I would prefer to attend as the delegate (or preferably as a delegate) representing Worcester pensioners in general, rather than a small section of them.

I feel that there should be strong support for a Worcester branch of the NPC. Nationally, at least 60 per cent of pensioners do not have a decent pension. Would interested senior citizens please contact me on

01905 831415.


Callow End.