The November meeting incorporated the AGM and Doreen Jeeves joined us as our county adviser.

After greeting everyone, the president received apologies and the record was read. There was the usual correspondence, including thanks from the Crack Cancer campaign for which Dorothy Jaques had raised £183 by opening her home and garden for a bring and buy.

The meeting was then handed over to Mrs Jeeves who complimented members on their friendly greetings and on their time keeping.

The treasurer presented a resume of the year, showing a healthy balance. The secretary then gave her report, thanking the president and committee for their support, and reviewing the year's programme.

Doreen complimented us on a splendid year's programme. This was her first AGM in her official capacity and she commented on the buoyant feeling of the meeting. She then gave us county news. County has opened several new institutes, one of which has already moved to larger premises. The contents of the building in Worcester are being sold and headquarters are moving to Hallow. The amount of paperwork has caused concern, so a pilot study has been set up within six institutes to try and cut it down.

Members were asked to report any cases of two for one offers directed at children in the light of recent resolutions with regard to children's diet. Doreen also suggested a record be kept of all institute memorabilia, such as our banner.

Only one name was put forward for president and Margaret Wainwright was unanimously elected.

Doreen was thanked and members then enjoyed tea and cake while the looked at the sales tables.

Members then voted to go out for the Christmas meeting, details of which will be posted, and the meeting closed at 4pm.